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A warm welcome to my website. Here, I’ll intent to share with you one of my favourite pastime: DXing or if you prefer, chasing weak radio signals. In my case, my interest mainly goes towards Trans-Atlantic longwave (LW) and mediumwave (MW) and FMDX broadcast. I tempt to compare this hobby to those people who are looking for that rare stamp or that rare piece of art. For those of you who share this same passion, you’ll understand that despite the fact that there isn’t any market value, you’ve earned this *trophy* after such a long wait for favourable propagation. Besides that, when listening to an exotic station, you might want to learn more on its country, its culture and history!

And after putting quite an effort in building / maintaining those antennas, matching transformers, splitters etc… you might rapidly get rewarded when an unexpected foreign station comes in. At this particular moment, you can say to yourself that you might well be the happiest person in the world!

J'ai choisi de publier ce site Web en Anglais malgré le fait que le Français soit ma langue maternelle pour la simple raison qu'il peut être lu par plus de personnes. toutes nationalités confondues. N'hésitez pas à me contacter en Français si vous le désirez. SN.

Escojí publicar este sitio Web en Inglés para que pueda ser leído por un mayor número de personas, y de varias nacionalidades. Si se siente más confortable en comunicarse conmigo en Español, por favor, siéntase tranquilo en hacerlo. SN.

Learn throughout this website  why I enjoy this hobby!**

**Please be advised  that I’m no engineer and the content of this website is based on my humble knowledge. That said, for some of you, you might likely find some content that need to be revised or corrected. Don’t hesitate to report if needed.


Online since 2008

Dec 2023 => New audio files have been added to the European, Latin-American, African and DX Curiosities audio files pages

August 2024 =>  New logs were added to the MWDX logs page and a new 04/2024 Eclipse MW logs page has been added to the site

August 2024 =>  NEW audio files have been added to the European, Asian and Latin American - Caribbean audio files pages